Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 14

In the middle of week 14. It was a really hot day today. We ended up going to Walnut Creek to run a quick errand. But I don't know how we always manage to go when it's super hot! The trip sucked all the energy from me. We're slowly moving all the furniture back upstairs and putting the house back to zen order after the carpet was finally installed on Thursday! I actually am quite happy with the color! Been thinking more of how to rearrange the rooms.

As for pregnant me, since I'm feeling much better than my past 3 months, I'm trying as much as I can to do more exercising but the headaches and dizziness still bothering me. The heat isn't helping either. We finally took a picture of my growing stomach but unfortunately I think my butt is still bigger. Sigh. My eating habits are still fickle and ever-changing. Luckily smells are not repelling me too far from meat, but I have yet to eat any pork or beef. I'm definitely getting sick of chicken and trying to alternate to turkey, but it hasn't been easy finding carved turkey. Ham is still too strong for me and the smell of fish is still unappetizing. After getting sick from salad few days ago, I'm trying to be more careful with packaged lettuce. Unfortunately, because of my past experience with heartbeat, cheese, tomatoes and citrus have been off my list. Even the spices and pepppers in Mexican food is very unappealing. I've been drinking lots of vanilla milkshakes for the heartburn but the dairy is really doing a number on my stomach. I can't much take processed foods and potato chips because I can really taste all the sodium. Baby knows fresh from faux. Even candy taste too fake, very plasticy and papery. I definitely have my hubby's baby because it knows and only wants fresh food! At least it helping me slow my down my weight gain.

Also by the way, I finally met up with J & D last week and told them of the news. Their initial reactions were cool, but thereafter I felt alittle disappointed. I wasn't expecting much, but I felt slightly let down. But I received a card from D yesterday that made up for it a bit. Anyhow, it is what it is.

Anyways, I'm counting the days to Thanksgiving when I finally get to know more about my little one. We're armed with both names so either way we're prepared. I told myself no matter what, I won't be disappointed because this little one is an offspring of me and P. No matter what I'll adore it. All that matters is he's healthy, safe and ours forever.

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